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Bear Tree9.5 x 5.5 inches | Caribou Migration5.5 x 11.75 inches |
Dancing with the Dragonfly8.75 x 8.5 inches | Family Tree8.5 x 8.75 inches |
Frog's First Look at Spring6 x 8.5 inches | Hugs and Squeezes8 x 9.25 inches |
I Wouldn't Kiss a Walrus9 x 5.75 inches | In the Milky Moonlight8 x 6.5 inches |
Lucky Running Shoes5 x 11.25 inches | Midnight Glider9.5 x 5.5 inches |
Migratory Story7.25 x 9 inches | Moose7.5 x 8 inches |
Raven Talk9.5 x 9.25 inches | Sea Ottersold out edition |
Such a Fine Dancer9.5 x 11.75 |
I carved this series of northern animals for my first book Lucky Hares and Itchy Bears. The book's editor, teamed me with Susan Ewing, a writer from Bozeman, MT, who became a close friend and collaborator of 23 years. Susan and I work fluidly together, responding to changes in each others writing and sketches.
My first drawings for the linocut Family Tree showed eagles building a nest. Then Susan sent me a revised poem for this page, and two eaglets had showed up! My eagle dropped the stick it was carrying, and picked up a fish to deliver to its two “feathered bowling pins.”
Animal Portraits
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